Sunday 16 August 2020

Mortem et Glorium Campaign

This is an update from Andrew who is running this campaign for the club. 

The Map

The guidelines for the campaign are included at the end of this post.

So far there have been two turns (years)  completed, and two  battles waiting completion.

Turn 1.

Goths invaded Quadi and were defeated and knocked out in a bloody tussle which could have gone either way.

Romans also invaded Quadi – draw. 

Huns invaded Sassanids – draw. Remain at home following year.

Turn 2.

Alans invaded Rome – draw. Remain at home following year.

Ostrogoths occupied vacant Gothic territory.

Turn 3.

Huns invaded Ostrogoths.

Romans invaded Quadi.

Rome and Enemies AD390-410 Campaign

Situation: Each player commands an army from the period 390-410 AD. Either Roman or an army which opposed Rome.

Aim: Be the last army remaining at the end of the campaign.

Method: When a player’s army is broken in battle he is knocked out. The one exception is that the Roman player may lose one army, if he is invading, and continue in the campaign. This reflects Rome’s greater resources and counters the fact that most other players have immediate access to Rome’s borders.

Turns:  Each turn represents one year. Each player submits his orders for that year – either invade adjacent territory or defend. (Or for Romans and Sassanids – leave an army in the field) Each player will have an initiative roll (1d6) – highest roll orders implemented first – tie break roll for draw. (This roll may be done by the umpire – AC) If a player is invaded prior to implementation of his own ordered invasion, then his invasion will be cancelled. If two players invade the same territory then the second invasion will fight whoever owns that territory at the time of his invasion. Rome and Sassanid armies get + 1 on their initiative rolls reflecting their more organised status.

Armies: Each army is 10,000APs from own army list with no external allies, except if enemy territory is conquered by invasion then an ally may be taken from the conquered army. (A Roman/Sassanid ally will be considered as provincial/border troops so cannot contain any superior troops)  If an army nominates to defend then it may add 200APs to its choice and receives one extra PBS card than shown in its army list. Battles obviously take place in the terrain of the invaded player.
Map: Represents the territory of the players. You may invade any adjacent territory, or through the territory of a knocked out player unless his territory has been conquered by another player. If your order requires you to transit a knocked out players territory then you incur – 1 on your initiative dice.

Players: are knocked out if their army is broken, except for Rome’s 1st invading army bonus. If knocked out when invading then that player’s territory is vacant, and may be occupied freely by any subsequent invasion. If knocked out when defending then the territory is conquered by the invading player. The territory is effectively merged into one area, and if either area is subsequently invaded and defeated than that player is knocked out.

Draws: Any battle which does not result in a player’s army being broken, or a mutual destruction, counts as a draw. The invading player may not make any invasion in the subsequent year/turn, and there is no 200Ap bonus/extra PBS card for defending. However, both Rome and Sassanid Persia may effectively leave an invading army in the field, and after a draw they may choose to fight in the same territory next year. This gains an additional + 1 on the initiative roll. However, if their own territory is invaded prior to their attack then their invasion is cancelled. If there is a second draw then they may not make any invasion in the subsequent year/turn.

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