Wednesday 29 July 2015

Kings of War

Just four games on the go last night.

The previous two photos were from games using the Kings of  War rules.  I am not familiar with them.  They don't seem to be Napoleonic :-)

I'm told some where in these ranks for figures deployed for Impetus is a charismatic leader.

And finally a Sails of Glory game.  Stephen N sailed his new ship against my old Imperial which was captained by Matthew on his first voyage.  Despite losing a mast early on, it was repaired and he was able to inflict enough damage on Stephen's vessel to send it home.

Friday 24 July 2015

ANF's Waterloo

Stephen N, Mark B and Mark H have been participating in the Avon Napoleonic Fellowships Waterloo game.  It is a massive 1/72nd scale affair using their modified version of Shako.  So far we have had three sessions with at least one more scheduled.

These photos are by Mark B.

The French strategy has been to do a right hook around Hougoumont.

Although it turned out to be more of a pincer movement when they pushed three divisions up between Hougoumont and Lay Haye Sainte.

The French launched what turned out to be a piecemeal attack on the allied left that was defeated in detail.

The Grand Battery is forming.

Hougoumont is being surrounded.

Off table can be seen the Prussian forces.

Lay Haye Sainte is on fire - the only target for the French artillery.

The first of the Prussians arrive.

The Imperial Guard.

Where there is smoke there is fire. Scenic effects improvised by our very own Stephen N

The Prussians have to fight their way on.

The massed French batteries make sure the Allies keep their heads down.

The Young Guard are sent off in a race for Plancenoit.

Hougoumont is surrounded as the 3rd Dutch-Belgian Division forces its way onto the table.

The race to Plancenoit was a draw.

The 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division moves to link up with the Prussians

Only a battalion of Nassau remain to defend the Hougoumont.

The Prussians are making slow progress.

Will it be a French victory?

Thursday 23 July 2015

A wide variety of games being played

Last night we had six games on the go.

Wings of Glory

Kings of War with what looks like a bit of everything.

Dead Man's Hand replete with a real hand.

UFO and an unknown blue cube dotted with stars.

Impetus - Philistines versus Egyptians

To the Strongest - the dots symbolising the grid used by these new rules.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Something to suit all ages

Last night at the club we had...

The rumble of chariots (well, the sound of rolling dice at least)

The clash of ancients arms (which was possibly just the clink of glasses)

And pirate ships away on a briny sea (salt provided by a big bag of crisps, removed just before the photo was taken)